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Description from Muhlhouse/France:
Motorway Basel-Mulhouse-Belfort – Exit No. 11 / Vesoul / Epinal, then continue on the expressway towards Vesoul / Lure; immediately after Lure exit 16 St. Germain / Mélisey.
Drive through St. Germain and turn left in front of the Mélisey sign in the roundabout towards Lantenot / Luxeuil. Drive through the two hamlets “La Goulotte” and “Le Bas”. At the crossroads, turn right at the crossroads towards Faucogney. 10 meters after the turn, immediately before a historic stone cross, turn left onto a small street / dirt road. After about 1 km, the Pavillon de Chasse is the last property on the right-hand side.
Your vacation address:
Pavilion de Chasse
Les Grands Bois
F-70270 Mélisey
Geographic coordinates (for direct entry into your navigation device):
Latitude 47 ° 45’8.22 “N
Longitude 6 ° 31’24.80 “a